Frequently asked questions

If you are hesitating, do not worry - we are here to explain everything you might want to know. Let Quotestar help!

What support does Quotestar provide to its broker partners?

We offer comprehensive support throughout our partnership, including lead management assistance and ongoing collaboration.

Are there specific requirements to qualify as a partner?

We welcome partnerships with licensed and reputable insurance brokers in the UAE. Fill out our onboarding form to get started.

How can brokers contact Quotestar for inquiries or assistance?

Brokers can reach us via phone or email for any queries or support needed during their partnership with Quotestar.

What is expected from brokers upon receiving a lead?

Immediate follow-up and engagement with the customer are crucial for maximising conversion rates.

Can multiple brokers receive the same lead?

If brokers want exactly the same demographic of customers, then there is a chance that 2 or more brokers will receive the same leads, emphasising the need for swift customer engagement.

What are the charges for leads and how does the pricing structure work?

Our lead packages are available at varying rates, tailored to different lead types and exclusivity. Contact us for detailed pricing information.

Who is Quotestar and how do you ensure lead quality?

Quotestar is a trusted insurance lead generation platform. We employ rigorous validation processes to ensure high-quality leads for our broker partners.

How does the lead allocation process work?

Leads are distributed based on the criteria you specify during the signup process, ensuring relevance to your target customer demographics.

How long are the quotes valid for?

Quote validity varies among insurance providers. Typically, quotes are valid for a certain duration mentioned in the provided quote details. We recommend reviewing this information carefully.

Is there a limitation on the number of quotes I can receive?

There are no limitations! Quotestar connects you with multiple insurance companies, ensuring you receive a comprehensive array of quotes for comparison.

Do you assist in claims processing or only provide quotes?

Quotestar specialises in providing quotes. However, some insurance providers may offer claims assistance upon policy purchase. Feel free to inquire about this during your selection process.

Can I modify my details after submitting for a quote?

Once submitted, modifications may not be possible. We recommend reviewing your information carefully before submission to ensure accuracy or you will need to resubmit a new quote.

Are there insurance types beyond the ones listed on the website?

Yes, we facilitate quotes for various insurance types beyond those listed. Contact us via email to explore additional insurance categories.

How secure is my information when using Quotestar?

We prioritise the security and confidentiality of your data. Our platform utilises robust encryption and security measures to safeguard all information provided.

When will I receive my quote? How will it be delivered?

Upon submitting your details, your journey with Quotestar begins! Your provided information becomes the catalyst in kickstarting the process. We take the information provided and connect you with expert insurance providers who align with the unique information you've shared. Expect a rapid and tailored response, as our goal is to ensure you receive the most suitable options to navigate your insurance choices with confidence.

How do I determine the best policy for my needs?

We gather your fundamental details with precision and relay this information to our network of seasoned insurance experts. Through this process, our platform ensures that all essential information is clearly presented to our team of insurance professionals. With this accurate foundation, our insurance specialists can begin to meticulously craft and customise quotes designed for your needs.

Is there a cost associated with obtaining a quote from Quotestar?

Absolutely not! Our service is entirely free of charge. Quotestar facilitates direct connections with insurance companies, offering quotes without any additional fees.

Can I obtain a quote via telephone?

Currently, we do not provide quotes over the phone. However, our team is readily available via email to assist with any inquiries you may have.